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Sailing Directions Pdf

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  1. Sailing Directions Pdf
  2. British Admiralty Sailing Directions
  3. Admiralty Sailing Directions Pdf Download

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List by country A to G
Liste par pays de A à G

About Nautical Free

Nautical Free provides a list of free nautical charts and online publications.
There is a list by country from letter A to letter V, for each country the organizations and for each organization a list of free online documents (charts, nautical books, notice to mariners.). There is two special lists: one for the international organizations and one for the private companies. There is also a reverse list by type of documents: sailing directions, radio signals, tide tables, nautical charts. You can also find on Nautical Free wave forecast maps for tomorrow, space weather forecast for GPS, how to check your computer clock, as well as information about celestial navigation or about ice navigation.

Au sujet de Nautical Free

Nautical Free fournit une liste de cartes marines gratuites et d'ouvrages nautiques en ligne.
Il y a une liste par pays de la lettre A à la lettre V, pour chaque pays les organisations et pour chaque organisation une liste de documents libres en ligne (cartes marines, ouvrages nautiques, avis aux navigateurs.). Il existe deux listes spéciales : une pour les organisations internationales et une pour les sociétés privées. Il existe également une liste inverse par type de documents : instructions nautiques, ouvrages de radiosignaux, tables des marées, cartes marines. Vous trouverez également sur Nautical Free des cartes de prévision de la hauteur des vagues pour demain, des prévisions de la météo de l'espace pour les GPS, comment vérifier l'heure de son ordinateur, ainsi que des informations sur la navigation astronomique ou la navigation dans les glaces.

Advice / Conseils

For navigation use only updated regulatory documents /
Pour la navigation n'utiliser que des documents réglementaires à jour.

GPS is more accurate than nautical charts /
Un GPS est plus précis qu'un carte marine.

Web Servers / Serveurs Web

You can use the nearest or faster server / Vous pouvez utiliser le serveur le plus proche ou le plus rapide :

Caption / Légende

  • The nautical books are in standard fonts / Les ouvrages sont en caractères droits
  • In Italic the maps and the charts / Les cartes sont en italiques
  • The last item for an organization is the Notices to Mariners. The first issue of each year is often a special publication /
    La dernier item pour un service hydrographique est un lien vers les avis au navigateurs. Le premier numéro de chaque année est souvent un numéro spécial
Definitions / Définitions
Raster Navigational Charts (RNC)
Bitmap electronic images of paper charts that conform to IHO standard S-61 /
Carte marine matricielle, fac-similé numérique d'une carte papier (scan) conforme à la norme de l'OHI S-61
Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC)
Vector charts that conform to IHO standard S-57 /
Carte électronique de navigation, carte vectorielle conforme à la norme de l'OHI S-57
More information on RNCs and ENCs / En savoir plus sur la cartographie numérique et les différents types de cartes numériques.Pdf

Country : A - B - C - D - E - F - G - I - J - K - L - M - N - P - R - S - T - U - V - INT - COM : Pays
Document : Sailing Directions - Lights - Radio Signals - Tide Tables - Charts - Other : Document

  • I - List by Countries and Organizations / Liste par pays et organismes
  • II - List by Type of Document / Liste par type de document

I - List by Countries and Organizations / Liste par pays et organismes

  • Australia / Australie
  • Belgium / Belgique
  • Brazil / Brésil
  • Canada / Canada
  • Chile / Chili
  • China / Chine
  • China - Hong Kong / Chine - Hong Kong
  • Colombia / Colombie
  • Croatia / Croatie
  • Denmark / Danemark
  • Finland / Finlande
  • France / France

  • Germany / Allemagne
  • Greece / Grèce
  • Iceland / Islande
  • Japan / Japon
  • Republic of Korea / République de Corée
  • Latvia / Lettonie
  • Montenegro / Monténégro
  • Netherlands / Pays-Bas
    • Hydrographic Service / Dienst der Hydrografie
  • New Zealand / Nouvelle-Zélande
  • Norway / Norvège
  • Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie
  • Spain / Espagne
  • United Kingdom / Royaume-Uni
  • United States of America / États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Venezuela / Vénézuéla
  • International organizations / Organisations internationales
  • Private companies / Sociétés privées
    • Aqua Map: Online charts
    • FlyToMap: Online Charts
    • Imray: Corrections to Charts and Books
    • Inmarsat : Maritime Satellite Handbooks
    • Navionics : Online Charts
    • NV. Verlag : Online charts
    • OpenSeaMap : The free nautical chart
    • Portmaps : Online charts

II - List by Type of Document / Liste par type de document
  • Main Nautical Publications / Ouvrages nautiques principaux
    • Tide tables / Annuaire des marées
    • Nautical charts / Cartes marines
  • Various Nautical Documents / Documents nautiques divers

III - Miscellaneous Maritime Informations / Informations maritimes diverses

  • OpenCPN: Software for Marine Navigation
  • OpenSeaMap: The free nautical chart
  • Inland Waters Resources: Free Charts of Inland Rivers
  • The Nautical Almanac: Free celestial navigation information
  • Port websites : list of port websites classified by country
  • Marine Traffic: Worldwide AIS Map
  • Fédération Nationale des Associations de Pensionnés de la Marine Marchande (FNPMM): associations of pensioners
  • RNT Fondation: Prevent impact of space weather or cyber-attack on GNSS
  • DeckOfficer.ru: информации которая пригодится Вам в учебе, а также при трудоустройстве.
  • Admiralty EasyTide: Worldwide Tidal Predictions in English
  • Calcul de la marée: Worldwide Tidal Predictions in French
  • Met Mar : Revue de météorologie maritime de Météo-France
  • Severe Weather Information Centre: Centralized Web Site for Severe Weather around the World
  • MARC: Coastal observations and forecasts for the coastlines of France & Overseas (Formerly PREVIMer)
  • Ice Logistics Portal: Sea ice information
  • METAREA: Worldwide Weather Forecasts
  • NAVAREA: Worldwide Navigational Warnings
  • Search and Rescue Contacts: Find rescue coordination centres worldwide
  • Medical Guides for Ships: for non-doctors
List by country A to G
Liste par pays de A à G

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Document : Sailing Directions - Lights - Radio Signals - Tide Tables - Charts - Other : Document

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For updates, corrections, new charts or new documents please send an e-mail to Nautical.Free@free.fr
Figure 1. Overview of Sailing Directions coverage. The numbers in the squares indicate the individual Planning Guide coverage areas.

Sailing Directions are written directions, describing the routes to be taken by boats and ships during coastal navigation, and port approaches. There are also products known as Sailing Directions, which are books written by various Hydrographic Offices throughout the world. They are known as Pilot Books, because they provide local knowledge of routes and landmarks, which would typically be provided by a local marine pilot. As such, they are used frequently by naval and government vessels, who are exempted from 'Compulsory Pilotage' in many ports.

Many nations publish Sailing Directions for their home waters, where they are the International Hydrographic Organization's (IHO) primary charting authority. However, the most widely used Sailing Directions product is the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office's, 'Admiralty Sailing directions' (ASDs)( a.k.a. Pilot books). The ASDs, sold under the Admiralty brand, provide the most comprehensive geographic coverage of coastal routes worldwide. They are designed to supplement and enhance the data shown on British Admiralty Nautical Charts, by describing routes for seagoing vessels, relative to coastal features. Ocean routes are covered by the Admiralty book 'Ocean Passages for The World' (Abbrev. OPTW. Nautical Publication NP136), which describes Offshore routes separately for power driven vessels, and low powered / sailing vessels.

American Sailing Directions[edit]

There is a 42-volume American navigation publication published by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). Sailing Directions consists of 37 Enroute volumes, 4 Planning Guide volumes, and 1 volume combining both types. Planning Guides describe general features of ocean basins and country-specific information such as firing areas, pilotage requirements, regulations, search and rescue information, ship reporting systems, and time zones; routes describe features of coastlines, ports, and harbors.[1]

Mac miller small worlds mp3 download. The American Sailing Directions are available for free download, via the NGA MSI Portal Also, via the Office of Coastal Survey's website, as well as other products, including charts.

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Sailing Directions are updated when new data requires extensive revision of an existing text. These data are obtained from several sources, including pilots and Sailing Directions from other countries.

One book comprises the Planning Guide and Enroute for Antarctica. This consolidation allows for a more effective presentation of material on this unique area.

Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) and Sailing Directions (Enroute) are frequently updated. In early 2005, NGA discontinued production of these publications in printed form; subsequent editions were distributed in digital form only. Between editions, Sailing Directions are corrected via a binary patch process referred to as Publication Data Update (PDU).

Figure 1 shows an overview of Sailing Directions coverage.

Planning Guide[edit]

Figure 2. Planning Guide page.

Planning Guide volumes assist the navigator in planning an extensive oceanic voyage, and give information on individual countries that is applicable to all ports in those countries. Universal keygen 2016. Each of the Planning Guides covers an area determined by an arbitrary division of the world's seas.

Individual Planning Guides are divided into Countries and Ocean Basins, as follows:

  1. Pub. 120—51 Countries and 1 Ocean Basin (Pacific Ocean).
  2. Pub. 140—87 Countries and 6 Ocean Basins (Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, and North Sea/English Channel).
  3. Pub. 160—61 Countries and 3 Ocean Basins (Indian Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean, and Red Sea/Persian Gulf).
  4. Pub. 180—5 Countries and 1 Ocean Basin (Arctic Ocean).

Country entries may contain information on the following subjects—buoyage systems, currency, firing areas, fishing areas, government, holidays, ice, industries, languages, mined areas, navigational information (to include maritime claims, maritime boundary disputes, and enroute volumes), offshore drilling, pilotage, pollution, prohibited areas, regulations, restricted areas, search and rescue, signals, submarine operating areas, time zone, traffic separation schemes, U.S. embassy, and vessel traffic services. Information that cannot be accurately depicted within the alphabeticized country text may be listed as an appendix at the end of the dountry text.

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Ocean casin entries may contain information on the following subjects—climatology, currents, fishing areas, geophysical features, ice, ionospheric disturbance, magnetic field, meteorology, mined areas, navigational information, optical phenomena, pilotage, pollution, regulations, routes, seas, ship reporting systems, tides, and surface temperatures.


Each Enroute volume contains numbered sectors along a coast or through a strait. Each sector is discussed in turn. A preface with detailed information about authorities, references, and conventions used in each book precedes the sector discussions. A table showing conversions between feet, fathoms, and meters is provided. Finally, each volume provides a list of commonly used abbreviations that may be found in the text.

The chart information graphics, the first items in each sector, are a graphic key for charts and digital nautical charts (DNC) pertaining to a sector. The graduation of the border scale of the chartlets enable navigators to identify the largest scale chart for a location and to find a feature listed in the index-gazetteer.

A foreign terms glossary and a comprehensive index-gazetteer follow the sector discussions.

The index-gazetteer is an alphabetical listing of described and charted features. The index-gazetteer lists each feature by geographic coordinates and sector-paragraph number.

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The text of this article originated from sections 402 to 404 of the American Practical Navigator, a document produced by the government of the United States of America and amended by marine analysts at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

See also[edit]


  1. ^National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. 'Sailing Directions Enroute'. Maritime Safety Information. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 2016-05-19. Sailing Directions (Enroute) include detailed coastal and port approach information, supplementing the largest scale chart of the area. Each publication is subdivided into geographic regions, called sectors, which contain information about the coastal weather, currents, ice, dangers, features and ports, as well as a graphic key to the charts available for the area.

Sailing Directions Pdf

External links[edit]

British Admiralty Sailing Directions

  • Chapter 4: Nautical Publications - from the online edition of Nathaniel Bowditch's American Practical Navigator
  • Fast direct download of individual volumes - replace XYZ with Pub. Number[permanent dead link]
  • Coast Pilots These nine volumes correspond to the Sailing Directions in the United States and Territories

Admiralty Sailing Directions Pdf Download

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